Weight Loss is Simple With Zotrim
Zotrim, The Clinically Proven Appetite Suppressant
By helping you break bad eating habits like overeating and snacking between meals, Zotrim enables you to cut your daily calorie intake with ease.

Its invigorating effect will motivate you to get active and burn off more calories. And best of all, Zotrim’s unique, natural formula is backed by clinical studies proving it works.
Losing weight is simple when you add Zotrim to the equation.
- Controls hunger and cravings – reduce your appetite, curb your cravings, resist snacking and cut your daily calorie intake easily
- Clinically proven to help you lose weight – natural, herbal formula backed by numerous clinical studies proving its effectiveness
- Outperforms prescription drugs in trials – faster weight loss compared to three major prescription drugs, even without a diet
Zotrim is the most researched and proven weight loss product available
In a clinical study, participants using Zotrim ate 112 fewer calories on average, consumed less high-fat foods and stopped eating three minutes earlier than those who didn’t take Zotrim.
Zotrim is clinically proven to help you lose weight. Guaranteed.
Nothing But Pure and Natural Ingredients Go Into Zotrim
Our international team of medical researchers spent years developing and testing Zotrim’s powerful weight loss formula.
It’s the unique combination of Yerba Maté, Guarana and Damiana extracts that produce Zotrim’s extraordinary weight loss effects. These powerful South American plant extracts help you lose weight by enabling you to gain control of your eating habits and motivating you to be more physically active.
And because the Zotrim formula is patent protected1, you’ll only find it in Zotrim.
Yerba Maté – Leaf Extract
Yerba Maté leaves have long been used in South America to help reduce hunger and fatigue. Higher in antioxidants than green tea, it has an invigorating effect and also increases energy use during exercise. This means you’ll not only feel more active, but the exercise you do will be even more beneficial because you’ll shift even more of those fat stores. Further research has shown Yerba Maté even has the ability to prevent the development of new fat cells2, meaning it can help prevent further weight gain.

Guarana – Seed Extract
There’s a reason Guarana is a key ingredient in energy drinks; it contains more caffeine than coffee. Along with its highly stimulating effect, the caffeine in Guarana raises your metabolism, causing more fat to be released from cells into your bloodstream to be burned for fuel.

Damiana – Leaf Extract
Historically used in traditional herbal remedies, Damiana is known to have a gentle mood enhancing effect. So if you’re prone to emotional eating, you may find it that bit easier to resist the urge to resort to food when things get tough. But the true weight loss benefits of Damiana are unlocked once it’s blended with Guarana and Yerba Maté to create the unique Zotrim formula; a combination which gives you greater power over your eating habits.

It’s well known that caffeine can improve energy levels. The added caffeine in Zotrim will help invigorate and energise you, as well as increasing your alertness and concentration levels. Which makes stepping up your weight loss by getting more physically active a lot less effort.

Vitamin B3 and Vitamin B6
A crucial part of a healthy diet, B vitamins play an important role in converting the food you eat into energy. The added vitamins B3 and B6 in Zotrim support a normal, energy-yielding metabolism and help reduce feelings of tiredness and fatigue; a common experience when cutting calories from your diet.
Real, Lasting Weight Loss
- Powerful, proven formula works rapidly to reduce appetite and control your cravings
- Convenient, discreet and ideal for on-the-go hunger control and craving management
- Safe, effective, plant-based ingredients extensively researched and backed by science
- Trusted and chosen by thousands of slimmers worldwide for nearly twenty years
- Real, lasting weight loss means you can finally lose weight and keep it off for good
How to Use Zotrim
Just take two to three Zotrim tablets with water a few minutes before each of your meals. The discreet, travel-sized container is perfect for taking with you on-the-go, so you can control your hunger wherever and whenever you need to.
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