Is That Stomach Bulge Really Fat?

Is that bulge really fat or something more sinister?

There is a little known problem that has grown over the last few years, not only obesity, but a bulge that may appear to be fat and going undetected for quite some time.

Is That Stomach Bulge Really Fat?

Could that be a mass of undigested seeds, skin and fiber from the foods you eat? Can weigh from one to five pounds or more. Even worse this growth can obstruct the outlet of your stomach or any part of your small intestine. Slow your digestion to a crawl! Remaining well hidden and virtually undetectable for years. In the past it was so rare that it was usually detected after death or in exploratory surgery requiring surgical removal.

Sounds pretty disgusting. But the truth is, I’m not making it up and I’m not talking about something I saw in a science fiction movie either. I don’t watch science fiction movies.

This mass of gunk is an actual medical condition known as a “bezoar.” The frequency of this condition is increasing among the Baby Boomer population.

Bezoars have many contributing causes but recent rise in the occurrence of these growths is most likely the result of increased antacid use.

You see, the digestive process depends on stomach acid to break down the food and prepare it for absorption into the body but when interrupted with the antacid blocking medications the process is stopped or at best slowed blocking the stomach’s ability to function properly.

And since the body is reluctant to pass the food on to the next digestion phase, the intestinal track. Until it’s fully broken down, the tougher more fibrous parts of the food remain in the digestive system, where they clump together and form bezoars.

If this information comes as a total surprise, don’t be alarmed. Years ago bezoars were extremely rare, and usually only heard of in medical school.

But ever since the introduction of today’s new generation of powerful, acid-blocking antacids, along with the emphasis on high-fiber foods (high fiber foods are good in a normal functioning intestinal track) creating a “bomb of doom” and making bezoars increasingly common.

Of course by now you are probably asking… “How can I avoid taking antacids and prevent these other problems from ruining my health?”

First, eat slowly, chew your food well, stay away from foods that give you heart burn.

Another answer was reported in “American Journal of Gastroenterology” written by Dr. Charles H. Andrus. He reported that the ingesting an enzyme called cellulase is 83% to 100% effective in dissolving cellulose, which is the primary component of bezoars.

To me the most enlightened report in the “Gastroenterology” by Dr. DR Deal. His study showed that if the enzyme cellulase is orally ingested at the same time as food bezoars won’t form at all!

Also stop buying into the TV commercials about solving heartburn, etc. with medications that create even bigger problems!

Wishing you great health!


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