Steps to weight-loss success
Strategies for Successful Weight Loss
Like many people I grew up overweight. One day I woke up and I had a 40″ waist and problems. I then started on a cycle of various diets that failed, mostly because I wasn’t prepared to make the kind of lifestyle changes that would eventually allow me to lose around 100 lbs.

If you’ve struggled with weight for most of your life, as I have, it’s easy to fall into the trap of explaining away the problem by saying that it’s a glandular problem or that it’s genetic or some other lame reason. Weight-loss is possible and it’s something that everyone, with help and a little work, can achieve.
My experience with weight loss has led me to believe that there are seven steps to weight-loss success. These are:
- Believe that you can succeed
- Set a goal
- Regular exercise
- Good nutrition
- Measure your progress
- Make whatever changes are necessary
- Persist
- Believe that you can succeed The first key to success is the belief that you can succeed – acceptance that you could indeed be thinner. Write down why you want to be thinner e.g. I want to have the energy to keep up with my four year old. Take time to visualise what it will be like when you’ve reached your weight loss goal. Put a copy of your reason to be thinner wher you can use it to remind yourself of why you’re doing this.
- Set your goal Your weight-loss goal should be specific for instance – I will lose 20 lbs in 12 weeks. Write down your goal and keep it with your reason to lose weight. I would suggest that you review this goal, and your progress towards it at least weekly.
- Regular exercise program I believe that any weight-loss program is incomplete without a sound exercise program, one that includes both cardiovascular and resistance training. There are articles on this web site that will help you start and keep your exercise program interesting. My major successes have come when I have combined both a resitance training program with a cardiovascular program.
- Make good nutrition a part of your life. As you increase your activity level then you should begin taking a good quality mulitvitamin particularly one that has anti-oxidants. Articles that describe the nutrition component can be found on this web page.
- Measure your progress on a regular basis. I suggest weekly weigh-ins and measurement sessions. It is important to monitor your progress towards your goal. This allows you to know whether your exercise and nutrition program is working or whether you need to modify the stratgey you’re following.
- Make Changes as Necessary If you find that you’ve hit a plateau in your weight-loss, then it’s time to make some changes. Things to try are to change your cardio program, if you’ve been using the exercise bike try running or rowing. Change up your resistance program. Your body adapts to the exercises you’re doing so it’s good to change every four weeks. Take a long hard look at your nutrition program. Are you cheating? The only person you’re cheating is yourself. I find that I lose more weight when I restrict the amount of pasta that I eat. I generally replace the pasta with more protein and fibrous carbs.
- Persist Perhaps the hardest part of any program is keeping it up. Hopefully the diet and nutrition programs will become an integrated part of your lifestyle and not something that has to kept up. Review your goal and your reason for wanting to lose weight regularly.
Note : This information is educational and is not intended to replace standard medical care or advice.
- Silvets: Lose weight, like you’ve always wanted to! – stay full fit
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